Ok, it might be a little late for new years resolution making but better late than never, right? This year will be full of so many new things (graduating, getting a job, you know... big girl things) so my major goal is remind myself of all the little things that make life so sweet and here's how I'm going to do it:

* A post a week (minimum): As you can see by the fact that I'm posting 2 days in a row, I'm very determined to keep this resolution.
* Operation De-clutter: I've already reorganized my makeup drawer and tossed a ton of old, unnecessary papers. I'm slowly making a break through in my closet (this one is going to take a while though)
* Spend less, save more: This resolution is mostly about controlling my shopping habit (I already have a post in the works for how I'm going to stay on track with this one... it's gonna be a toughie)
* Don't go a whole week without working out: I really should be hitting the gym at least 3 times a week but once I get into the slump of not going for a whole week, it's a total downward spiral that I would love to avoid.
* Travel. A lot: I already have 2 trips booked for this spring but I want to explore new places all year round.
* Take a leap of faith: Truth be told, I have no idea what this leap is going to be yet (or if there will be more than one) but I'm determined to find an instance where I just go with my gut instead of thinking every little thing through like I usually do (what can i say, I'm a total Virgo)
* Try a new recipe every other week: I often get into the habit of making the same old recipes over and over. Sure, I make them again because they're delicious but there are so many more culinary adventures to be had (first on my list for the new year: homemade bagels... stay tuned for that post!)
* Take deep breaths: Sometimes I just need to take a step back and relax.
* Get a job: By which I mean career. You know, big girl things.
* Read more books: This has already been an easy one to keep with the new Nook I got for Christmas.
* Try more of the things I find on Pinterest: This includes everything from recipes and outfit combinations to crafts and hairstyles.
* Be Thankful: Despite life's occasional hiccups, I have to say that I am incredibly blessed, but more often than not, I forget to be thankful for what I have. I want to spend more time being grateful every day instead of just waiting for Thanksgiving to count my blessings.
What are you looking forward to in the new year?